Foods to Avoid

In general, you should decrease your intake of carbohydrates and fats. You will obtain much faster results by doing this. Foods rich in fats (including oils) have double the calories compared to protein and carbohydrates.
Simple math dictates a diet low in fat and oil.
Carbohydrates are a different issue. There is actual science behind a low carb diet. Foods rich in carbohydrates prevent you from burning your own fat for fuel. Yes, when you eat foods that are rich in carbs, you actually burn carbs for fuel and not fat.

Food rich in Carbohydrates:

Breads, donuts and muffins
Pastas and noodles
Starchy vegetables (potatoes, squash, carrots, peas, corn, cassava, plantains)
Jellies and jams
Fruit Juices

Foods rich in Fat:

Fried foods
Butter and margarine
Oil and shortening
Lunch meats (bologna, salami)
Chicken skin
Turkey skin
Ground beef from chuck and round
Sausages and hotdogs
Ice cream